real oussama كاتب مميز
عدد المساهمات : 2313 نقاط : 6746 تاريخ الميلاد : 01/07/1994 تاريخ التسجيل : 29/12/2009 العمر : 30 الموقع : العمل/الترفيه : طالب المزاج : عادي
بطاقة الشخصية oussama:
| موضوع: السفن عبر العصور الخميس يونيو 30, 2011 9:53 am | |
| عصر القوادس Galleys سفينة حربية فينيقية, a bireme with pointed bow. 700 BC في زمن بلاد فارس القديمة واليونان القديمة والامبراطورية الرومانية, أكثر أنواع السفن الحربية شيوعاً كان القادس galley (مثل biremes, triremes وquinqueremes), وهي مركب طويل ضيق، يدفعه صفوف من المجدفين، ومصمم لينطح ويـُغرق سفن العدو, or come alongside the enemy so its occupants could be attacked hand-to-hand. However with the development of catapults in the 4th century BC and the subsequent refinement of its technology enabled the first fleets of artillery equipped warships by the Hellenistic age. With the political unification of the Mediterranean Sea in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, naval artillery fell out of use. The معركة أكتيوم was the last major sea battle in the Mediterranean with shipborne artillery until the early modern age. أنواع السفن الحربية
- طراد مدرع Armored cruiser
- سفينة هجوم برمائية Amphibious assault ship
- حاملة طائرات - A warship primarily armed with combat aircraft.
- طراد قتالي Battlecruiser
- A ship with battleship level armament and cruiser level armor; typically faster than a battleship because the reduction in armor allowed mounting of heavier propulsion machinery.
- بارجة Battleship - A large, heavily-armoured and heavily-gunned warship. A term which generally post-dates sailing warships.
- ثنائية المجاديف Bireme - An ancient vessel, propelled by two banks of oars.
- سفينة رئيسية Capital ship
- مغيرة على التجارة Commerce raider
- حراقة Corvette
- طراد Cruiser
- A fast independent warship. Traditionally, cruisers were the smallest warships capable of independent action. Now virtually disappeared from the oceans, along with battleships and battlecruisers.
- قاطعة Cutter
- مدمرة
- A fast and highly maneuverable warship, traditionally incapable of independent action (originally developed to counter the threat of torpedo boats) but now the largest independent warship generally seen on the ocean.
- Dreadnought - An early 20th century battleship, which set the pattern for all subsequent battleship construction.
- زورق هجومي سريع Fast attack craft
- حراقة Fireship
- A vessel of any sort, set on fire and sent into an anchorage with the aim of causing consternation and destruction. The idea is generally that of forcing an enemy fleet to put to sea in a confused, therefore vulnerable state.
- فرقاطة
- گالياس Galleass - A sailing and rowing warship, equally well suited to sailing and rowing.
- غليون Galleon - A 16th century sailing warship.
- قادس Galley - A warship propelled by oars with a sail for use in a favourable wind.
- Gunnership
- قارب مسلح Gunboat
- طراد ثقيل Heavy cruiser
- حاملة هليكوپتر Helicopter carrier - an aircraft carrier especially suited to helicopters and amphibious assault.
- سفينة مصفحة Ironclad - A wooden warship with external iron plating.
- سفينة طويلة Longship - سفينة إغارة استخدمها الڤايكنگ.
- رجل الحرب Man-of-war - A sailing warship.
- كاسحة ألغام Minesweeper
- صائدة ألغام Minehunter
- مدمرة صواريخ Missile Destroyer
- مونيتور Monitor - A small, heavily gunned warship with shallow draft designed for land bombardment.
- سفينة صيد مسلحة Naval trawler
- قارب دورية Offshore patrol vessel
- بارجة جيب Pocket battleship
- سفينة قتالية قبل دريدناوت Pre-dreadnought battleship
- طراد محمي Protected cruiser
- Quinquereme
- An ancient warship propelled by three banks of oars. On the upper row three rowers hold one oar, on the middle row - two rowers, and on the lower row - one man to an oar.
- Ship of the line - A sailing warship capable of standing in the line of battle.
- السلوپ Sloop
- غواصة
- حاملة طائرات عملاقة - an aircraft carrier of large tonnage
- قارب طوربيد - A small, fast surface vessel designed for launching torpedoes.
- ثلاثية المجاديف Trireme - An ancient warship propelled by three banks of oars.
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